发布时间: 2024年11月26日 14:55
The mouse is angry with the cat
Though thy enemy seem a mouse, yet watch him like a lion.───敌人即使像老鼠, 也要当作狮子防.
The teacher wasn't very pleased when he found a dead mouseon his desk.───老师发现桌子上有只死老鼠时确实不高兴.
Does your cat mousewell?───你家的猫很会抓老鼠 吗 ?
A mousedug a tunnel under the lawn.───老鼠在草地下打了洞.
The bird is hovering over a mouse.───这只鸟在一只老鼠上方盘旋.
Use your mouseto drag the pictures to their new size.───用鼠标拖动图片,将其调整为新的尺寸。
The cat flew at the mouse.───猫向老鼠扑去.
Do not let your mountain in labour bring forth a mouse.───你不要弄得事倍功半.