发布时间: 2024年11月26日 14:42
Throughout the game, Li plays the role of a caretakerand protector of the female characters.───整个比赛, 李扮演看守者和保护者的女性人物.
They also extended the search to the next-door house where Garrido has been caretakeruntil its current occupant moved in three years ago.───他们将搜索范围扩大到隔壁的房子,据悉,现在的住户三年前搬进去之前,加里多曾是那里的看门人。
The military intends to hand over power to a caretakergovernment and hold elections within six months.───军方打算将政权移交给临时政府,并在6个月内举行选举。
The chancellor seems to accept that hers is perforce a cautious , caretakergovernment.───默克尔总理似乎早已认清她的现任政府不过是一个如履薄冰的过渡期政府.
We must put in a caretakerto carry out the duties during her absence.───她不在时我们得指派一个临时执行职务的人.
The postponement comes at a time when the commission itself is in caretakermode.───作出推迟采纳新规则的决定之际,欧盟委员会自身正处于临时代管状态.
Caretaker governments normally don't rate presidential visits.───看守政府按理不适合接待总统来访.
Another instance is when one cracked up after peeing on his caretaker.───另一个例子是一只黑猩猩在它的照顾者身上撒尿后捧腹大笑.