发布时间: 2024年11月26日 14:57
More than an hour
一个多───More than one;小时───hour
Sponging and taking more than one's share and extravagance and waste on the part of cadres must be banned.───杜绝干部多吃多占和铺张浪费.
The preacher addressed a congregation of more than onethousand people.───传教士向一千多人的会众讲演.
A crafty person has more than onehideout.───狡兔三窟.
The existence of more than oneagency with power to intervene can lead to children falling through the net.───多个部门都可干预的事实可能会导致一些孩子被遗漏。
For more than oneminute our foreign guests remained standing still gaping at this wonder of the world -- the Great Wall.───外宾们站着不动约莫有一分多钟之久,张口凝视着这个世界奇迹 -- 长城.
You've fractured a rib, maybe more than one.───你的一根肋骨断了,可能不止一根。
It takes more than onecold day for the river to freeze three feet deep -- the trouble has been brewing for quite some time.───冰冻三尺,非一日之寒.
More than one hundred police have ringed the area.───这一地区已被上百名警察包围。
Bite off more than onecan chew.
The system has the ability to run more than oneprogram at the same time.
There's more than oneway to skin a cat.
There is more than onepronunciation of 'garage'.
There is more than oneway to tackle the problem.