发布时间: 2024年11月27日 00:27
培训啦网(PeiXunLa.com)每年都有很多考生 怀揣着“大学梦”、“名校梦”加入高考大军,下面是小编分享的万里之遥用英语怎么写,文章内容希望能帮到大家。
Thousands of miles away
万里之遥───Thousands of miles away
You can easily work from home and/or with people thousands of miles away.───你在家中就能很轻松地和与你相隔千里之外的人工作。
My love thousands of miles away, do you know?───(女)千里之外的爱人呀! 你可知道?
How could he hope to keep Louisiana, thousands of miles awayacross the Atlantic, as long as Britain was "Empress of the Seas"?───只要英国还是“海洋女王”,他怎么可能希望把横跨大西洋几千英里之外的路易斯安那州留在那里呢?
But cern is sternest challenges facing the alliance now lie thousands of miles awayin Afghanistan.───但是北约现在面临的严峻的考验在几千公里以外的阿富汗.
Soon the wearer of a virtual reality headset will be able to be "present" at sporting or theatrical events staged thousands of miles away.───要不了多久,头戴虚拟现实视图器的人将能够“现场观看”几千英里之外举行的体育赛事或剧场演出。
Though thousands of miles away, My heart was lost to the moon.───相去千万里, 心随月色归.
Facilities such as - mail and on - line searching of databases thousands of miles awayhave become commonplace.───电子邮件和远程数据库 在线 检索服务已经成了家常便饭.
At night, reception of stations from hundreds or even thousands of miles awayis possible.───在晚上, 驻地的招待会从上百甚至几千哩以外是可能的.
She might arrange for a satellite link thousands of miles away, or a microwave link around the corner.
They've got the kind of weapons that can zap the enemy from thousands of miles away.
When atmospheric conditions are right, radio waves bounce off the ionosphere and can be received many thousands of miles away.
Bridge boost: A local charity was £750 better off yesterday thanks to a bridge evening held thousands of miles away.
An air-monitoring station atop a California mountain has detected wind-borne particles that drifted across the pacific Ocean from coal-fired power plants and smelters thousands of miles away.