发布时间: 2024年11月26日 07:51
Joe went fishing yesterday
乔───Joe;钓鱼───go fishing
Joe's lips moved soundlessly.───乔的嘴唇无声地动了动。
This suggestion dumbfounded Joe.───这个建议使乔伊惊呆了。
"Will Joe be here at Christmas?" — "I expect so."───“圣诞节时乔会来这里吗?”——“我想会的。”
Joe was always good for a colorful quote.───乔总能绘声绘色地旁征博引。
Joe, pink, and Booker howled with delight.───乔、平克和布克高兴得放声大笑。
Joe had a low, guttural voice with a mid-Western accent.───乔说话声音低沉粗嘎,带着中西部地区的腔调。
At about a quarter of eight in the evening Joe Urber calls.───大约晚上8点差一刻的时候,乔·乌尔贝尔打来电话。
City's principal marksman was Joe Harvey who scored seventeen goals.───市队的头号射手是打进17粒进球的乔·哈维。
Do your coat up, Joe, or you'll freeze.
Joe bandaged me up until the doctor came.
Joe came in griping about how cold it was.
Joe listened, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to another.
Joe is very active in left-wing politics.