发布时间: 2024年11月25日 22:39
There was a rustlingof dresses, and the standing congregation sat down.───站着的人们在一片衣服的沙沙声中都坐了下来.
her silken robe is rustling!───她的绸袍沙沙作响!
At last , there came a little rustling, whispering sound , all round the window : rustle , whisper, whisper.───最后, 她又听到了轻轻的沙沙声, 还有人在悄悄说话的声音.
the sound of the trees rustlingin the breeze───树木在微风中发出的沙沙声
The leaves rustlingin the cool winter wind.───树叶在寒冷的东风中窸窣作响.
She loves to hear leaves rustling.───她爱听树叶沙沙作响.
Carrie crossed the hall with rustlingskirts , and scrawled the note, gloves on.───嘉莉穿过过道,裙子的下摆沙沙作响, 连手套都没脱,胡乱草了一张条子.
Was the rustlingbreeze lightly dancing before my window the spirit of autumn, I wondered?───飒飒风吹,在窗前翩翩的, 可是秋的精灵?
Agitation of the leaves in the breeze made rustlingsound.