发布时间: 2024年11月25日 23:16
You can wear it
Wear eye protection when opening the container, since it's so easy for contents to spurt out.───打开容器时要戴好护眼罩,因为里面的东西很容易喷出来。
He arrived on January 9, disheveled and much the worse for wear.───他是1月9号到的,蓬头垢面,疲惫不堪。
She likes to wearwoolen socks in winter.───冬天她喜欢穿羊毛袜.
Many Arabs still wearrobes.───许多阿拉伯人仍穿长袍.
She doesn't often wearheels.───她不常穿高跟鞋。
She's too vain to wearglasses.───她太爱虚荣,不肯戴眼镜。
You can't just wearany clothes if you're going there — you have to dress very smartly.───如果你去那里,你不能穿着普普通通的衣服,你必须穿得很整齐漂亮.
Do you have to wearuniform ?───你非得穿制服不可吗?
Better wearout than rust out.
I wearblue-tinted glasses on sunny days.
He'll only wearclothes with a designer label.
The materials are soft and comfortable to wear.
It is better to wearout than to rust out.