发布时间: 2024年11月25日 17:29
This article studies the rationproblem of the credit of Chinese transition economy period.───本文研究中国转轨经济时期信贷配给问题.
When food is rationpeople have to queue for bread.───当食物定量配给时,人们只好排队买面包.
The meat rationwas down to one pound per person per week.───肉的配给量降到了每人每周一磅。
It is necessary to study image denoising Methods: To enhance image signal to noise ration( SNR ).───为了提高图像的信 噪 比,对图像降噪方法的研究是十分必要的.
We'll have to rationout the water.───我们得将水按定额配给.
I've had my rationof problems for one day—you deal with it!───我手头的问题已经够我忙活一天的了—你来处理这件事吧!
The country cut the bread rationlast year.───那个国家去年削减面包配给量.
The author view point on the factors which may influence the contrast rationand storage stability.───通过实验,对影响内墙乳胶漆对比率和贮存稳定性的各种因素进行了分析.
The meat rationwas down to one pound per person per week.