广州国际学校( 祈福英语实验学校)小学部
发布时间: 2024年11月25日 12:54
Concise mathematics
He gave a concisereport of the meeting.───他就会议做了一个简洁的报告.
It would have been best written in a more conciseway as it does tend to ramble.───它的行文确实有些信马由缰,要是简洁一些就好了。
Try to make your speech clear, concisebriefly and to the point.───尽可能让你的言辞清晰 、 详细,并能直奔主题(切勿转弯抹角).
Conclusion: This method is conciseand the result is explicit.───结论: 该方法简便、快速,结论明确、可靠.
The English idioms are conciseand comprehensive , pregnant with meaning, visual and vivid.───习语言简意赅, 寓意深刻, 形象生动,是语言的精华也是重要的修辞手段.
A good abstract is concise, readable, and quantitative.───好的摘要要达到简明 、 可读 、 定量的要求.
There is a certain art form in clean and concisecode.───有一定的艺术形式在干净、简洁的代码.
Is my thesis statement conciseand clear?───我的论题陈述是简洁而清楚的 吗 ?
I gave a conciseanswer about this.