发布时间: 2024年11月25日 13:47
Whose shirt is this
His shirtwas covered in blood.───他的衬衫沾满了血。
This shirtis great for anyone who wants to make a fashion statement .───要求着装独树一帜的人穿这件衬衫最合适。
He unbuttoned his shirt.───他解开衬衣扣子。
The collar comes off this shirtand can be washed separately.───这件衬衫的领子可以拿下来分别洗.
What's your shirtmade of?───你的衬衣是用什么做的?
He wore a woollen vest beneath his shirt.───他衬衫里面穿着一件羊毛背心.
This kind of shirtis very easy to sell.───这种衬衫很抢手.
This shirtisn't big enough.───这件衬衣不够大。
Tuck your shirtinto your trousers.
You look good in that shirt.
She grasped at his shirtas he ran past.
The top button of his shirtwas undone.
Is my shirtdry yet?