发布时间: 2024年11月23日 07:24
Tea cup
Teacher sits serenely, in hand's teacupis braving the steam.───老师安详地坐着, 手中的茶杯冒着热气.
Don't smash the teacup.───别把茶杯揍了.
The teacupwas broken into pieces.───茶杯摔得稀烂.
A teacupshould stand in a saucer.───茶杯应放在茶托上.
The preacIT preached to the tacit's teacup.───传教士对着教师的茶杯说教.
They are continually quarreling, but it is usually a storm in a teacup.───他们常常为了一点鸡毛蒜皮的事而争吵不休.
She had a row with her neighbour; it was just another storm in a teacup.───她跟邻居吵了一架, 又是小题大作.
Higgins, lifted the teacup, her hand shed and some of the tea splashed on the table.───他看到母亲的脸上满是恐惧和绝望, 不再是刚才店里见到的那镇静而有光彩的脸.
A teacupshould stand in a saucer.