发布时间: 2024年12月26日 15:13
Force potential
力势───Force potential
When Koth was four years old, his Force potential was discovered.───四岁时,科思的原力潜能被发现。
The FAO has launched a task force to analyse potential problems connected to this, including land rights and the question of how much food would be left for the host country.───联合国粮农组织派遣了一个特别任务小组去分析与之关联的潜在问题:包括土地权益和将有多少粮食留给东道国。
force is always opposing the direction of increasing potential energy, so the force will drive it back and so that's why we call this a stable equilibrium.───力一直和势能,增加的方向,相反,作用力会将其推回,那就是为什么称它,稳定平衡的状态。
As with all Jedi hopefuls, Aurra's Force-potential was discovered when she was an infant.───像所有的绝地明日之星一样,奥拉在襁褓期就被发现拥有原力天赋。
The size of AIA could also force potentialbuyers to form consortia and break up the asset among themselves.───AIA的规模也有可能迫使潜在买家组成财团,然后在内部分割资产。
Windu sensed Billaba's Force potential, and brought the six-month old infant to Coruscant for training.───温杜感受到比拉巴的原力潜力,于是把这个六个月大的婴儿带回科洛桑训练。
Compare equilibrium state, intensity, intemal energy and reversible process with particle, force, potential energy and motion. Intercommunity was discovered.