发布时间: 2024年11月25日 02:10
I'm a rookie
Recognition point one : When conversation look anxiety 80 % is a novice.───识别要领 一: 谈话时神色紧张者八成是新手.
To the novice, the recommended analysis tool is the moving average line.───对新手而言, 推荐的分析工具是移动平均线.
He's still a noviceas far as film acting is concerned.───就电影表演而言他仍是新手.
I am a novice, would like to ask, Hangzhou, the broker's commission is how much?───我是新手, 想问一下, 杭州各券商的佣金是多少?
The novicesays stutteringly: I think he is a zebra a zebra!───新手结结巴巴地说: “我以为他是斑马! ”
It needs no great sagacity to see that the writer is a noviceat his task.───很容易看得出来那位作家是一位生手,刚从事写作的.
In Carrie he saw only the novice.───他对于嘉莉,只看到新见世面这一点.
And because of that, novicemarketers ususlly assume people will be instantly and automatically interested.───正因为如此, 行销新手通常也会假设,顾客会立即并且自动对公司的商品感兴趣.
He's still a noviceas far as film acting is concerned.