发布时间: 2024年12月26日 21:57
poor body
贫身───poor body
The rate of depression , poor bodyimage , and eating disorders in girls in high enough already .───利率为抑郁,穷人的身体形象, 摄食障碍的女孩,在足够高了。
prejudice against the overweight in our culture is such that obese people tend to have a very poor body-image.───我们的文化相当歧视体重超重的人,以至肥胖者羞涩于他们的体型。
This guy was a poster boy for poor bodylanguage.───这家伙简直就是可以差肢体语言的代言人。
Silver , as quick as a monkey , was on top of him in a moment . Twice he dug his knife into that poor body.───西尔弗像猴子一样灵巧地蹿到汤姆身边,在他身上狠狠捅了两刀。
poor bodymechanics , prolonged activity , repetitive motions , and fatigue are major contributors to these injuries.───导致这些伤痛的原因包括不正确的身体运动、长时间活动、持续行活动以及过度疲劳。
The major causes of injuries are lack of scientific training, poor bodyfunctions, low level training and poor mental conditions.───发生的主要原因:训练组织缺乏科学性,身体机能欠佳,训练水平不够,心理状态不良等。
The reasons for sports injury are often the combination of many factors, and the main factors consist of lack of warming-up, poor bodyfunction, and unreasonable application of tactics.