发布时间: 2024年11月22日 06:11
The hunt began
Fox huntingis popular among some people in this country. It doesn't make it right though.───这个国家有些人喜欢猎狐,但是这并不能使其变得名正言顺。
The Sunday antique market is a happy huntingground for collectors.───周日的古董市场是收藏家的淘物乐园.
They are huntingfor bucks.───他们正在猎雄兔.
Do you approve of huntingafter foxes?───你赞成猎捕狐狸 吗 ?
It doesn't look much like a huntingdog.───这条狗看来不大像一只猎犬.
The natives live by huntingfor their food.───当地人以猎取野兽为食.
Hunting is a lawful activity.───狩猎是合法活动。
Jobclub can help you with job hunting.───失业救助所可以为您在求职方面提供帮助。
He was killed by a lion while big-game huntingin Africa.
police are huntingburglars who stole property worth £3500.
So why do people still go hunting- is it the thrill of the chase?
He's on holiday in Africa, huntingfor animals.
He'd already started construction on a huntinglodge.