广州国际学校( 祈福英语实验学校)小学部
发布时间: 2024年11月26日 05:15
praise the teacher
The teacher spoke in praiseof the child for his honesty.───他很诚实,老师表扬了他.
He has received so much public praise.───他受到大家的交口称赞.
His teachers are full of praisefor the progress he's making.───老师们对他的进步赞不绝口。
He was effusive in his praisefor the general.───他对那位将军极尽溢美之词。
All the ladies are full of praisefor the staff and service they received.───所有女士都高度赞扬了工作人员和他们所提供的服务。
He was effusive in his praise.───他极尽溢美之词。
He heaped praiseon his team.───他高度赞扬了他的队。
Such lavish praisewas hard to believe.───这样过度的赞扬使人难以置信.