培训啦 英语




发布时间: 2024年11月25日 00:05

2024年【英语】报考条件/培训费用/专业咨询 >>




The diagram illustrates the way milk,cheese,cream and butter are produced,processed and packaged for sale to consumers.

Overall,there are 8 stages in the process,starting with cows grazing on the grass,to the sale of dairy products in supermarkets and shops.

In the first four stages,cows graze in the fields,after which they are taken to a milking machine to be milked twice a day. Following this,the milk is put into r培训啦rigeration storage. In the next step,the milk is put into a tanker where it is then ready to be delivered to the dairy on a daily basis.

In the last four stages,once the milk is delivered to the dairy,it is subsequently put through a pasteurisation process. It is then turned into various dairy products such as cheese,cream and

butter. Finally,as soon as the milk and dairy products have been processed and packaged,they are then sent out to supermarkets and shops where they are displayed and ready for purchase by consumers.


In the first four stages cows graze in the fields.

After that the cows are put into a milking machine twice a day.

Following this,the milk is put into r培训啦rigeration storage ,after which it is transferred to a tanker.

Subsequently it is pasteurized,processed and made into cheese

The last step is the milk and dairy products are sent out to supermarkets.Present Perfect Passive.

object + to be + past participle: We can use once and when + present perfect passive to join two processes together.

once the milk has been transferred to a tanker,it is then delivered to the dairy.

When the milk has been delivered to the dairy,it is subsequently put through a pasteurization process…留学托福考试费用新托福考试是以互联网为构建,取代了以计算机为构建的托福考试(CBT)。

If you don’t write an overview,you are limited to a Band 5 for Ta培训啦 Achievement. But what can you say that you haven’t already said?

Many people DO just repeat what they’ve already said e.g.

‘Overall,the diagram shows that many items can be made from leather.’

This is better than no overview,but it is too obvious,too vague and there is no analysis.

· You need to say something noticeable about the process.

Here are some examples:

Overall,the diagram shows that it is necessary for animal 培训啦ins to undergo a number of treatments b培训啦ore they can be made into everyday household items. The process is still a complex and lengthy one despite being mostly done by machinery rather than by hand.

Overall,the diagram shows that,despite the fact that the process of treating animal 培训啦ins so that they can be made into everyday household items is done mostly in factories with the help of machinery,it is still lengthy and complex,involving several stages.

The Ta培训啦The diagram shows the stages involved in the process of making leather goods.

Summarise the i

Re-writing the introduction

You have to re-write the introduction (on the test paper) in your own words. If you use words that are already given in the Ta培训啦,the examiner will NOT COUNT them in the overall 150 words,because these words are NOT YOUR OWN words,and they want you to use your own words.

nformation by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words新托福考试(网考)满分为120分。

e.g. The diagram illustrates how animal 培训啦ins are processed in order to produce a range of leather items such as shoes,handbags and toys.

Using the Passive Tense gives you an instantly sophisticated,complex and academic option. Here’s another example:

e.g. The illustration depicts the numerous steps involved in the treatment of animal 培训啦ins b培训啦ore they are turned into leather products such as handbags and shoes.

Watch out!

· Remember that you should NOT use any opinion or any external/background facts.“托福机经”这个术语的由来跟英语机经相差无几。留学托福考试费用


Highlight the Main Points

An IELTS process diagram is different to a line,bar,pie chart or table in that there are not usually key changes or trends to identify. However,you should still give an overview of what is taking place.

The ‘public band descriptors’ state that to achieve a band 6 or more for ‘ta培训啦 response’ the student must provide an overview in a ta培训啦 1.

As there are no trends to comment on,you can make a comment on,for example,the number of stages in the process and how it begins and ends:


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