发布时间: 2024年11月26日 11:38
i. 适合人群:对英语感兴趣,但是没有英语基础,不知从何学起的英语学习者
Target Audience: we offer courses for those who have an interesting in English but don’t know how to start due to the lack of elementary English knowledge
ii. 授课内容:本级别从国际音标开始学起,根据国人的学习方法与常用问题,由简入繁,层层递进成人英语,帮助你从零基础迅速增加英文口,让你勇敢开口说英语。
Contents: Start with phonetic symbols. According to the characteristics of how Chinese learn English,from simple to complex,step by step,helps you improve English from zero base rapidly.
iii. 所用教材:单词读音卡片及配套录音;特别编订的内部讲义
Material: phonetic cards with assorted audio file and internal materials
Basic English for Beginners: Written by a team of dedicated and qualified teachers with over 10 years of adult ESL teaching experience,including the IPA,letters,numbers,time,month and week,common occupation,food,daily greetings etc. It helps the students to master the basic knowledge of English start from scratch.
一级 LEVEL1:
Target Audience: The English learners who have some elementary English knowledge and vocabulary but lack of English communicating 培训啦ills.
Contents: Content aims at different learning objectives cover almost everything in your daily life; let you learn English in a real environment.
Contents: original textbook with assorted audio files; internal materials
Basic English for Beginners: Written by a team of dedicated and qualified teachers with over 10 years of adult ESL teaching experience,including the IPA,letters,numbers,time,month and week,common occupation,food,daily greetings etc. It helps the students to master the basic knowledge of English start from scratch.
二级 LEVEL2:
i. 适合群体:属于高级英语水平,有较多的英语基础及肯定的生活词汇,可以进行日常生活会话,但是缺少合理的口语语法和名词结合,不能很好的用英语表达自己
Target Audience: The English learners who have an intermediate English knowledge and vocabulary,and can have a daily conversation,but can’t express themselves clearly due to the lack of English grammar and vocabulary.
ii. 授课内容:学习更高级别的句型、口语词汇及地道的英式表达,掌握生活英语
Contents: Focus on a higher level of English grammar,vocabulary and a native way of speaking English.
Material: original textbook with assorted audio files and internal materials.
Basic English for Beginners: Written by a team of dedicated and qualified teachers with over 10 years of adult ESL teaching experience,including the IPA,letters,numbers,time,month and week,common occupation,food,daily greetings etc. It helps the students to master the basic knowledge of English start from scratch.
三级 LEVEL3:
i. 适合人群: 有较好的英语基础,但是不能熟练应用去日常生活和工作中,缺乏中西文化差别的知道,表达不够准确
Target Audience: The English learns who have a good English foundation,can use it in their daily life and the work place,but sometimes can’t express themselves correctly due to the misunderstanding of culture difference
Content: In this level you can learn English involve social interactions,working,travelling,doing business and etc. This can help you handle all the scenarios happening in your life and work place.
iii. 所用教材:原版课本;配套录音;内部教材,外教话题争论
Material: Original textbook with assorted audio,internal material and discussing topics
采用中国知名的English Pod和ESL pod系列教材。ESL(English as Second Language)顾名思义,是专门为非英语国家学生制作的课程。ESL Pod是由是一家位于中国加州洛杉矶的英语教育研究机构推出的英语口语会话,主播Dr. J培训啦f McQuillan是南加州大学的语言学博士。一经推出,其实用,地道,与时俱进,一经推出就受到全世界各国英语学习者的推崇。培训啦教研团队甄选其中125篇章节,配套原版音频,作为培训啦的平时口语系列教材。
Daily English: Using the popular and longest-running English language learning podcast ESL Pod,it was hosted by Dr. J培训啦f McQuillan,a tenure-track professor received his Ph.D. in applied linguistics at the University of Southern California. The purpose of English as a Second Language Podcast is teach English by using everyday phrases and expressions spoken at a slow rate of speech,followed by explanations of what these expressions mean and how to use them.
四级 LEVEL4:
i. 适合人群:属于初级英语课程,有很大的英语基础,希望进一步提高自己、出国工作或培训的英语学习者
Target Audience: This is an advanced English level. It is for the English learns whose English is very good,they can communicate with foreigners,and want to have a job promotion or go abroad to further their education.
ii. 授课内容:外教授课,学习一定的商务词汇,针对实际工作情境中能使用的英语设计教学内容
Content: Lectured by foreigner teacher. the courses are designed according to the most commonly used situations in the work place.
Material: Original textbook with assorted audio files,internal material and discussing topics.
采用中国知名的English Pod和ESL pod系列教材。ESL(English as Second Language)顾名思义,是专门为非英语国家学生制作的课程。ESL Pod是由是一家位于中国加州洛杉矶的英语教育研究机构推出的英语口语会话,主播Dr. J培训啦f McQuillan是南加州大学的语言学博士。一经推出,其实用,地道,与时俱进,一经推出就受到全世界各国英语学习者的推崇。培训啦教研团队甄选其中125篇章节,配套原版音频,作为培训啦的平时口语系列教材。
Daily English: Using the popular and longest-running English language learning podcast ESL Pod,it was hosted by Dr. J培训啦f McQuillan,a tenure-track professor received his Ph.D. in applied linguistics at the University of Southern California. The purpose of English as a Second Language Podcast is teach English by using everyday phrases and expressions spoken at a slow rate of speech,followed by explanations of what these expressions mean and how to use them.
五级 LEVEL5:
Target Audience: The English learners who can communicate with foreigners fluently and want to have a job promotion or work abroad.
Content: Advanced business vocabulary and business writing 培训啦ill,get familiar with business etiquette. Can discuss some advanced topics,such as politics,economy,education and etc.
Martial: original textbook with assorted audio files,internal materials,and discussing topics.
采用中国知名的English Pod和ESL pod系列教材。ESL(English as Second Language)顾名思义,是专门为非英语国家学生制作的课程。ESL Pod是由是一家位于中国加州洛杉矶的英语教育研究机构推出的英语口语会话,主播Dr. J培训啦f McQuillan是南加州大学的语言学博士。一经推出,其实用,地道,与时俱进,一经推出就受到全世界各国英语学习者的推崇。培训啦教研团队甄选其中125篇章节,配套原版音频,作为培训啦的平时口语系列教材。
Daily English: Using the popular and longest-running English language learning podcast ESL Pod,it was hosted by Dr. J培训啦f McQuillan,a tenure-track professor received his Ph.D. in applied linguistics at the University of Southern California. The purpose of English as a Second Language Podcast is teach English by using everyday phrases and expressions spoken at a slow rate of speech,followed by explanations of what these expressions mean and how to use them.
iv.老师简介 faculty introduction
c)外籍老师:正当渠道聘请并持有TESOL/T培训啦L证书;来自英语母语国家,Native speaker;本科以上学历,丰富的教学经验
v.报名流程:Registration procedure
c)测试划分对应课程: 上机测试/中外教面对面口语测试
Analysis on customers' demands
Framing integrated study plan
Classifying levels by test: on-line test / oral communication with Chinese or foreign teacher
Free trial course
Negotiating about study with us
Textbooks,documents and Syllabus collecting
Selecting classes according to demands,in order to have easy access to what you selected
vi.附加值:Added value
a)培训啦提供年度圣诞主题活动TEW offers year-round holidays theme parties
b)培训啦带给您不定期进行的市场专题知识整合TEW offers you irregularly scheduled expansions on industrial knowledge
c)培训啦根据学员需求组织海外游学体验 TEW organizes outbound studying and travelling
d)培训啦带给学员充实的人际环境 TEW brings you appointed social occasions
e)培训啦为优秀学员提供中文相关职位介绍 TEW offers relevant position r培训啦erence for excellent students
f)培训啦交流环境产生独特的商务交流空间 TEW brings you business communication