培训啦 意大利语


发布时间: 2023-02-16 11:35:03


《You're Still The One》
Sung By "Shania Twain"
(When I first saw you,I saw love.
And the first time you touched me,I felt love.
And after all this time,you're still the one I love.)
Looks like we made it
Look how far we've come my baby
We mighta took the long way
We knew we'd get there someday
They said,"I bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strong
(You're still the one)
You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life
(You're still the one)
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night
Ain't nothin' better
We beat the odds together
I'm glad we didn't listen
Look at what we would be missin'
They said,"I bet they'll never make it"
But just look at us holding on
We're still together still going strong
(You're still the one)
You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life
(You're still the one)
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night
you're still the one
(You're still the one)
You're still the one I run to
The one that I belong to
You're still the one I want for life OH~
(You're still the one)
You're still the one that I love
The only one I dream of
You're still the one I kiss good night
So glad we have made it
Look how far we've come my baby ...


法语和意大利语是Lena Ka和Umberto Tozzi合唱的歌词Ti amo,redis-moi ti amo 我爱你,再对我说一次“我爱你”
Garde-moi,ti amo 呵护我,我爱你
Même si je sais que je ne suis pas ton unique et que tu l'aimes aussi尽管我不是你的唯一,尽管你也爱着她
Que la vie est ainsi 尽管生活就是如此
Ti amo c'est mon cri 我爱你,我心在呼喊
Entends-moi même dans le silence dans lequel j'ai plongé ma vie倾听我,即使在我生命的沉默里
Sans toi je ne serais plus moi 没有你,我将不复是我自己
Je l'envie et je t'aime 我嫉妒她,我爱你
Comme l'oiseau déploie ses ailes tu t'envoles vers elle 你飞向她,就像小鸟展翅离去
L'amore che a letto si fa (ti amo,ti amo) 在床上 可以做爱(我爱你,我爱你)
Rendimi l'altra metà (ti amo,ti amo) 让我的另一半回归(我爱你,我爱你)
Oggi ritorno da lei (ti amo,ti amo,ti amo,ti amo) 今天回到她那儿(我爱你,我爱你)
Primo maggio 五月一日
Su coraggio! (ti amo) 鼓起勇气
To ti amo e chiedo perdono (e chiedo perdono) 我爱你,求你原谅 (求你原谅)
Ricordi chi sono (ricordi chi sono) 记得我是谁吗 (记得我是谁)
Apri la porta a un guerriero di carta igienica 为一个纸制的战士开门
Ti amo de tout mon être 我爱你,用我全部的生命
Mon coeur,mon corps et ma tête 我的心,我的头,和我的身体
Je crains toujours tes "peut-être" 但我总是怕你说“也许”
Dammi il sonno di un bambino. (ti amo,ti amo,ti amo,ti amo) 给我个孩童的梦田(我爱你,我爱你)
Che "ta" sogna cavalli e si gira 能梦见马群,转身
E un po' di lavoro 为一些工作
Fammi abbracciare una donna che stira cantando 让我拥着一个熨衣时歌唱的女人 Ti amo,Je t'ai dans la peau 我爱你,痴痴地爱你
Je ferai tout ce qu'il faut pour effacer tes défauts 抹去你的缺点,不留痕迹
Toutes ses promesses,rien que des mots 但所有的誓言,仅剩苍白的言语 Io ti amo e chiedo perdono 我爱你,求你原谅
Ricordi chi sono记得我是谁吗
Ti amo,ti amo,ti amo,ti amo,ti amo我爱你,我爱你,我爱你,我爱你,我爱你
Ti amo de tout mon être 我爱你,用我全部的生命
Mon coeur,mon corps et ma tête 我的心,我的头,和我的身体
Je crains toujours tes "peut-être" 但我总是怕你说“也许” Dammi il sonno di un bambino 给我个孩童的梦田
Che "ta" sogna cavalli e si gira 能梦见马群,转身
E un po' di lavoro 为一些工作
Fammi abbracciare una donna che stira cantando 让我拥着一个熨衣时歌唱的女人
Ti amo,je t'ai dans la peau 我爱你,痴痴地爱你
Je ferai tout ce qu'il faut pour effacer tes défauts 抹去你全部的缺点,不留痕迹
Toutes ses promesses,rien que des mots 但所有的誓言,仅剩苍白的言语
Ti amo,ti amo,ti amo,ti amo,ti amo,ti amo,ti amo... 我爱你,爱你....


德语的 Oli.P的 《So bist du》,《Flugzeuge im Bauch》 其他的有《Hass mich》《Wie in einem Film》《Dschinghis Khan(成吉思汗)》《Bald ist Weinachten(圣诞将至)》《Liebe Ist Alles (爱是一切)》《Dieser Weg(这条路)》《wahre Liebe(真爱)》《Fuer Dich(为你)》......
如果你也喜欢俄语的话,有:Алексей Воробьёв,Алексей Гоман,Дима Билан,Андрей Губин,Юра Шатунов,Do-mi-no,Витас(Vitas).他们的歌曲都不错,我蛮喜欢的,他们的很多歌曲都是我到俄罗斯网站下的,国内没有,或者说不全。还有一些歌曲比如:《Тополиный пух(杨树花)》
Алексей Воробьёв的:《Лето(夏天)》《Алиса》《Улетай(飞行)》...
Алексей Гоман的:《Яркие облака(明亮的云彩)》《Русские девушки(俄罗斯女孩)》《Русский парень(俄罗斯青年)》《不要说谎》《我是艳阳天》《故乡的小屋》《Без названия》《За того парня》......
Андрей Губин的:《Милая моя далеко》《Все чего я хочу》《Элечке》《Долгими ночами》《Зима-холода》《Лишь для тебя》《Птица》《Солнышко》《Я и ты》


不知道你说的是不是Dans les Yeux d’une Fille这首歌,Hélène Rolles的老歌,很清纯甜美的风格。
Dans les yeux d'un fille
Il y à toujours une étoile
Une étoile qui brille comme un phare dans la nuit.
Elle brille pour un garçon
Dont on cache le nom
Mais qu'on aime.
Qu'on ai tort ou raison.[X2]
J'ai moi aussi une étoile
Un garçon dans mon coeur
Des chansons et pleins de bonheur.
Mais jamais je ne dévoile son prénom
Car mon coeur qu'on me le vole à bien trop peur.
Dans les yeux d'un fille
Il y à toujours une étoile
Une étoile qui brille comme un phare dans la nuit.
Elle brille pour un garçon
Dont on cache le nom
Mais qu'on aime.
Qu'on ai tort ou raison


歌曲: Without You 歌手: Kim Richey 专辑: 《Rise》
复制歌词 下载LRC歌词
Frankie J - Without You
Yeah,here's another one
Soul shock callin' Frankie J
Here's another one,yeah
Feel this right here
It feels like only yesterday
That you was lying here with me
I still hear you say,"Oh yea"
I love the way you say,"Oh yea"
But now it's just a memory
And I'm knowing that it was my fault
By thinking I could brush it off
You always with me saying,"Oh yea"
So what it's 5 A.M. I'm checkin' in when I check in
Baby I was thinking I was so slick
When I know that I've done you wrong
But you never know what you've got
Til what you've got is gone
Gotta try to make it through
Without you
And there's nothing I can do
Come on home baby
Gotta try to make it through
Without you
And there's nothing I can do
Come on,come on,come on yeah
I remember coming home that night
Knowing something wasn't right
I was saying,"Oh yea"
I'm sure that all her things were packed
And it's just too late to get her back
I didn't even have to read the note
Just to know that your heart was broke
I was thinkin' Oh yea
You had more than you can stand
I should have been a better man
Baby I was thinkin' I was so slick
Girl I was doin' you so wrong
You never know what you've got
Til what you've got is gone
Gotta try to make it through
Without you
And there's nothing I can do
There's nothing I can do
Gotta try to make it through
Without you
And there's nothing I can do
Come,come,come baby!
I'm so sorry for the things I've done
Should've put you number one
But I've been playing myself
Cause I know now that you're all I want
But if you give me one more chance
I'll break it down for you lady
No more playing around
Baby I wanna be there for you
Gonna make it through

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