发布时间: 2024年11月27日 09:36
door-to-door selling
a method of presenting and selling products or services in which a salesperson goes to the residences or homes of potential buyers,knocking on their doors to solicit business
"Many homeowners dislike door-to-door selling and consider it to be disturbing t
o their privacy."feasibility test
a procedure or basis for evaluation or assessment to see if something is capable of being accomplished or brought about,or is possible
"A business will often do a feasibility test on a product before spending money to market it to consumers."
feel the pinch
a financially difficult,tight,strained,or squeezed circumstance or situation
"Experiencing little demand for its products,the company began to feel the pinch."
file thirteen
any container to discard or throw away unwanted paperwork; in an office setting a container for rubbish; the wastebasket
"The salesperson crumpled the cancelled order and tossed it into file thirteen."
fat cat
a wealthy and privileged person
"More than one fat cat has been seen visiting the offices of political candidates."
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