发布时间: 2025年03月08日 15:40
You can't be good
牛───cattle;不行───no way
There is good grassland here for your cattleand horses to graze on.───这里有很好的草地供你们放牧牛马.
people herded together like cattle.───人们像牛群一般聚在一起.
He took care to keep the cattlefrom falling off.───他精心照料着牛群,不使它们瘦下来.
Countryside robbers are learning the ways of the wild west by stampeding cattleto distract farmers before raiding their homes.───乡间强盗正在学习早期西部人的做法,先让牛群受惊四处乱窜以转移农民的注意力,然后再洗劫他们的房屋。
They keep animals, e . g . goats and cattle.───他们饲养家畜, 例如山羊和牛.
He feeds oats to his cattle.───他给牛喂燕麦.
I watched him drive the cattleout.───我看着他把牛赶出去.
Cowboys drove covered wagons and rode horses, lassoing cattle.───牛仔们有的赶着大篷车,有的骑着马,抛套索捕牛。
The cattleare grazing in the field.
The cattleare fed on barley.
I run a cattlestation some miles up-country.
The barley is fed to the cattle.
The leaves of certain trees are poisonous to cattle.