发布时间: 2024年11月21日 21:34
He is all talk and no deed.───他光说空话,没有行动.
He is faithful in word and deed.───他言行都很忠实.
We will take the will for the deed.───我们心领了.
Nature is born modality of life. The arts in word and deedare all life arts.───自然是生命的最本真形态,真正的艺术皆是生命的艺术.
It's an honour for a mother like me to see my son do a meritorious deed.───儿子立功,做娘的脸上也好看.
You are not going to fool me into such a deed.───你不要哄骗我去干那种事.
Smith changed his name by deedpoll to Jervis-Smith.───史密斯通过单边契据将自己的名字更改为杰维斯—史密斯。
His deedrevealed him to be a kind man.
Huang Jiguang's gallant deedis known by all men.
He did the good deedon his responsibility.
The deedof transfer must be entered at the land registry.
I'm not easily shocked,but his deedwas too disgusting.