发布时间: 2024年12月04日 02:11
培训啦网(PeiXunLa.com)每年都有很多考生 怀揣着“大学梦”、“名校梦”加入高考大军,下面是小编分享的生蒭用英语怎么写,文章内容希望能帮到大家。
To make a living
生蒭───To make a living
Work hard and try to make a living.───努力工作,努力谋生。
Many farmers have to depend on subsidies to make a livingwage.───许多农民不得不依靠补助来维持基本的生活需要。
not a very secure way to make a living.───谋生终非长久之计。
She not absence to make a livingwith a stranger, also not calculated of that the other people's goes to horizontal put one feet.───她不想和一个陌生人过日子,更不想到别人之间去横插一脚。
Your colleagues are not robots. They're other human beings too, breathing and talking and trying to make a living, just like you.───你的同事们不是机器人,他们是和你一样的人:有呼吸,会说话,努力谋生。
COBBLER unable to make a livingby his trade and made desperate by poverty, began to practice medicine in a town in which he was not known.───补鞋匠穷得绝望了,他不能靠手艺来维持生计,便跑到另一个城市去行医,因为那里没有一个人认识他。
He left his office job to try to make a livingon the land.
He is prepared to make a livingby accepting any remunerative chore.
It's not a very secure way to make a living.
Most artists find it almost impossible to make a livingfrom art alone.
She heard that it was easier to make a livingin the big cities.