发布时间: 2024年12月23日 04:17
He can't stand the cold
寒冷───cold;受不了───cannot bear sth
It's chilly outside; be careful not to catch cold.───外面有点冷, 当心着凉.
On a coldevening it is pleasant to sit by the fire.───在寒冷的夜晚坐在炉火旁边很舒服.
My skin soon chapped in coldweather.───我的皮肤在冷天里很快就皲裂了.
Coffee will not grow in a coldclimate.───咖啡不能生长在寒冷的气候下.
He felt coldand more than a little airsick.───他感到冷,而且晕机晕得厉害.
's darn coldtonight.───今天晚上冷得要命。
It was so damned cold.───冷死了.
To be sure, it is no longer winter; neverthless, it is quite cold.───现在固然已不是冬天了, 可是天气还是相当冷.
A scalded cat dreads [fears] (even) coldwater.
pride feels [finds] no cold.
He found that his extremities grew cold.
I'm cold. Turn the heating up.
She emerged from the sea, blue with cold.