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发布时间: 2025年03月27日 13:20
Will you?
会不会───Will you?
you pour the coffee?───你来倒咖啡好吗?
you accept a cheque?───你收支票吗?
Leo, will you say grace?───利奥,你要做祷告吗?
"Yes, even if it costs me my life, " said the dwarf. "Will you please tell me how the spell can be broken? "───侏儒说:『是的,甚至是牺牲我的性命也在所不惜。你能告诉我如何才能破除咒语吗?』
How much will you be ready to spend in buying a hybrid car?───您觉得丰田混合动力车的理想价位是多少?
How much will you need to have saved by your retirement date to be able to afford this course of action?───为了能实行得起这个退休计划,退休之前你要存好多少钱呢?
Will you come to my party?
Will you sing us a song?
Will you call your dog off, please?
Sling me an apple, will you?
How long will you be in Japan?