培训啦 英语


发布时间: 2024-10-18 20:29




Todd: So,Rina,now you are Lebanese and you grew up in a very small Canadian town.

Rina: Oh,yes.

Todd: So you really have two cultures. What s it like growing up with two cultures?

Rina: In the beginning it was very hard. My dad was very strict. I wasn t allowed to work. I had to fight to have my first job at 19.

Todd: Wow. At 19.

Rina: At 19. I wasn t allowed to have a boyfriend. I had to fight for that one two,and I had my first boyfriend at 18. Wasn t allowed to go out. First high school dance was grade 11. So,I hated it in the beginning. I was,but now I appreciate it and I know where my parents were coming from.

Todd: So,it this the standard Lebanese family type culture where daughters are not allowed to work?

Rina: Ah,yeah,my dad had basically believed that if I went out and worked I would,you know,be hit on by guys. It just wasn t a place for his daughter,and typically before,yeah,women don t work. They stay home. They took care of the kids. They,you know,it was a typical patriarchal society and my dad was very,very strict,and I spent a lot of my childhood pushing away my culture because of that.

Todd: And how do you feel about your culture now?

Rina: I m very,very proud of it. I love it. It s nice to be different and I m glad I get that chance to do that. Um,the only thing,when I was in Lebanon,it was hard as well because people didn t see me as Canadian,and they didn t see me as Lebanese You know I was,a lot of people didn t talk to me because of it. I went there and a lot of people shunned me basically,so.

Todd: So even though you had no language barrier at all cause you speak Lebanese?

Rina: Yep,yep,no,they basically,you know they were mad at me because I was too Canadian,or they were mad at me that I wasn t enough Canadian,and like,it was just,you know,insane.

Todd: That s pretty tough.

Rina: Yeah,well,they have their,they have their image of what you know,what Western society is like from movies and,you know,because you know I have my tattoos,they thought I was just basically Satin s spawn,and because I wasn t running around like a tramp,they thought well,What is she is doing? What is she supposed to? it was just the worst of both world s really.

Todd: Ah,that s terrible.

Rina: Yeah,so because,they do,they have,and actually I have to specify this: I was in a village. Like,both of my parents are from villages

Todd: Oh,I see.

Rina: In Beirut,it s different,but when I was in the villages,where I stayed the majority of the time,it was like that,but I got,I made my little older ladies love me,but they were talking to me at the end,having coffee with me while I smoked my cigarettes,yep,yep.

Todd: Oh,that s good to hear.



Boy: My mom and dad insist that I be home before ten. Do you have a curfew?


Girl: Yes. I ve had one for as long as I can remember.


Boy: I wish my parents were a little more lenient.


Girl: I actually like having a curfew. I have an excuse to get to bed on time.


Boy: You like going to bed early?


Girl: I don t like being too tired the next day.


Boy: Well,I still hate having a curfew.


Girl: If you stayed up much later,you would see that just about every-thing closes around ten anyway.



Husband: What do you think about half day kindergarten for Stacey?


Wife: We could try it for the first few weeks and see if she likes it.


Husband: I just think it will be a little difficult for her to be away from home for so long right off the bat.


Wife: You have a good point. She hasn t really ever been away from home for longer than a few hours.


Husband: I think she is really going to like her teacher though.


Wife: Yes,they seemed to click at the meeting the other day.


Husband: Did you happen to notice if she was interested in . any of the other kids?


Wife: No,but I did notice that she was very interested in the art supplies!



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